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9 A new rural policy in Sweden Fachforen Block 2

Fachforum 9:
A new rural policy in Sweden

Host: Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Division for Regional and Rural Development (Government Offices of Sweden)

Four years ago, the Swedish government decided on a Coherent Rural Policy with the general objective: Viable rural areas with equal opportunities for enterprise, work, housing and welfare that leads to long-term sustainable development throughout the country. The policy has a broad and cross-sectoral approach with sub-objectives aiming for sustainability, competitiveness and well-being in different types of rural areas. This means that almost all sector policies are important for the implementation of the rural policy. It also implies that actors at all levels, from EU to local – including civil society – should take on their specific roles and cooperate in the development of rural areas. After an in-depth follow-up of the policy, further streamlining of implementation and cooperation among actors now are taking place.


Anna-Caren Sätherberg, Minister for Rural Affairs
Rural Sweden and Policy for Rural Development

Introductory remarks and the Swedish Rural Development Policy

Evelina Selander, Project leader, Swedish agency for Economic and Regional growth
Public actors strengthen their rural perspectives

The Swedish agency for Economic and Regional growth works to implement a stronger rural perspective at all public levels of the society, implementing the rural perspective as an approach. Different parts of the country have varied conditions, and this affect how we work with, for example digitalization, innovation. access to competence, infrastructure and so on. By working systematically to strengthen the rural perspective in the Municipalities, in the County councils and Regions and at the National agencies, you can create more opportunities for sustainable development and contribute to viable rural areas - throughout the whole country.

Gunnar Lindberg, Analyst, Swedish agency for Economic and Regional growth
Monitoring and evaluating rural policy in Sweden

Sweden has set out an ambitious policy for rural development which is implemented across sectors; and with a clear focus on coordinated governmental action towards a sustainable development for all people, all firms, and all places. The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth is not only commissioned to coordinate this policy - but also to monitor, evaluate and learn from it. To do so we have developed a monitoring and evaluation system - with a combination of qualitative and quantitative knowledge.  In this session you will be introduced to the principles, practices and first results from this work and how we continue to develop evidence about territorial perspectives in Sweden.

Terese Bengard, Managing Director, Rural Sweden
Rural Sweden - How it works IRL (In Real Life)

Rural Sweden is a national non-profit organization. Members are thousands of local development groups. We have a holistic approach to rural issues with two main strategies that interlink with one another: to strengthen locally and to influence nationally. Rural Sweden wants good conditions throughout the entire country, a good rural development and balance between the city and countryside. We want to contribute to a more multifaceted and equitable portrayal of our rural areas, that hopefully can lead to a greater understanding of the important contribution rural areas make. You´ll get examples from our work and information about the Rural parliament that will take place in May 2022.